
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spotted! Get Fresh Faced in 5 with Joe Fresh

recently, i stumbled upon this interesting looking palette during my visit at loblaw ^^ (i love that place. lawl.) i would like the palette better if they used a sturdier material as to just plain cardboard. i do, however, like the soft focused spots that they printed on the palette. 

this palette features 4 eyeshadows, 1 lipgloss, 1 lipstick, 1 blush and 1 bronzer which retails for $20CAD. i've seen these palettes popping up at various superstore and loblaw chains. 

these shadows look pigmented enough

the proportions are generous but not too much that it'll take a million light years to finish (although none of us really ever finish up an eyeshadow...). i think the eyeshadows may be full size though.

so a 5 minute face...sounds promising ^^ and im glad they used colours that would work well with a variety of skin tones. im not very sure about the blush though. it might not show up on darker skin :S 

have you tried this yet?

do you think you will?

lemme know!


  1. Sounds promising! Will you/have you got it?

  2. no i dont think i will. the palette doesnt really appeal to me that much :P
    how about you? if you were able to get it, would you?

  3. i wonder how well made the blushes are >< the colours look very vibrant in the pan


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