
Monday, May 28, 2012

NOTD: Mint Tea for Two

 Here's a super quick post on what I did to my nails over the bright sunny weekend ^^ I really have an obsession with mint nails. It's like 3rd nail post with the same colour?

I totally love pastels for spring and because of the somewhat recent British-you know who I'm referring to- invasion, I tried the British flag on my nails. Boy was it difficult, even with tape. >< It took a whole day including drying time and such. The heart that you see on my thumb happened by accident. I was being my clumsy self and poured the white nail polish onto my pants. It just so happened to create the perfect curve~ The heart was used to add some cutesy to it. ^^;; 

Since it's British inspired, I added "tea" to the title...hopefully that somewhat captures the English culture. heh~ Just in case you didn't know who I was referring to. Please don't hate me for this xD These boys can sing unlike some of the kpop boy groups out there.

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